Several evenings later Athos, Porthos and Aramis were riding slowly back to camp from an inn in a neighbouring village, when they heard horses approaching. The three were fully armed and on their guard but, not knowing whether the riders were friends or the enemy, they halted, close together, in the middle of the roadway.

Just then the moon shone out from behind a cloud, and they saw two horsemen. The three companions were seen at the same time and the approaching riders stopped and appeared undecided whether to continue or go back. Of course, this hesitation was sufficient to awaken the suspicions of the fearless Musketeers. Athos immediately called out, "Who goes there?"

"Who are you?" replied one of the horsemen.

"That's no answer," replied Athos. "Who goes there? Answer or we shall charge."

"You had better take care, gentlemen," said a voice which seemed accustomed to command.

"It is probably a superior officer on night inspection," said Athos to his companions. "What do you propose to do?"

"Who are you?" repeated the same commanding voice. "Answer or you may regret your disobedience."

"King's Musketeers," said Athos, convinced that the speaker had more right to question than they had.

"Of what company?"

"M. de Tréville's."

"Advance and tell me what you are doing here at this time of night."

The three companions rode slowly forward. Seeing, however, that the speaker was several paces in advance of the other, Athos made a sign to Porthos and Aramis to stop, and he rode forward alone.

"We beg your pardon, sir," said Athos. "We did not know who you were, but you could see that we were keeping guard."

"What is your name?" said the officer, who kept part of his face covered with his cloak.

"But who are you, sir?" said Athos, annoyed by the questioning. "I would like to know whether or not you have the right to question me."

"What is your name?" demanded the rider, uncovering his face.

"The Cardinal!" exclaimed Athos in astonishment.

"What is your name?" demanded the Cardinal for the third time.


The Cardinal called his attendant and said in a low voice, "These three Musketeers must follow me. I do not want it to be known that I have left camp, and if they follow us we shall ensure that they will tell nobody."

"Sir," said Athos. "We are gentlemen. Ask for our word of honour and have no fear. We can keep a secret, as no doubt you are aware."

The Cardinal looked at Athos steadily for a moment.

"You have a sharp ear, M. Athos," said the Cardinal. "I do not require you to follow me because I distrust you but because I may need your protection. I suppose your companions are Messrs. Porthos and Aramis, are they not?"

"Yes, sir," replied Athos.

"I know you gentlemen," said the Cardinal. "I know you. I'm sorry you are not quite my friends, but you are at least brave and loyal gentlemen. I know I can place trust in you. Please accompany me."

"You do well, sir, in asking us to escort you," said Athos. "We have seen several evil-looking men on the road and we have even had a slight quarrel with four of them at the Red Dovecot Inn."

"A quarrel? What about, gentlemen?" said the Cardinal. "You know I do not like quarrelsome people."

"It is for that reason, sir, I have the honour to tell you, since others might give you a false account and blame us."

"Well, and what was the result of your quarrel?" said the Cardinal with a frown.

"My friend Aramis received a slight sword-wound in the arm. Nevertheless, as you see, he is fit to take the field to-morrow if necessary."

"It is not usual for you to allow yourselves to be wounded like this," said the Cardinal. "Be frank, gentlemen. I suppose you have taken your revenge on someone."

"I, sir?" said Athos. "Why, I did not even draw my sword. I merely seized the offending man and threw him out of the window. It seems, however," continued he hesitatingly, "that he broke his thigh as a result of the fall."

"Ah!" said the Cardinal. "What did you do, M. Porthos?"

"Knowing, sir, that duelling is forbidden, I seized a bench and gave one of the fellows a blow with it. I believe that the blow broke his shoulder."

"And what did you do, M. Aramis?"

"As you know, sir, I am very patient and studious, and dislike quarrels. One of these wicked men attacked and wounded me in my left arm. I lost patience and drew my sword to defend myself. He rushed at me so fiercely that he ran right on to my sword, which passed through him. I only know for certain that he fell, but I believe he was carried away with his two companions."

"Good heavens! gentlemen. Three men disabled in a quarrel! You don't do your work by halves. What was the quarrel about?"

"They were drunk, sir, and we thought they might annoy the lady who had arrived at the inn this evening," said Athos.

"What is this lady like?"

"We did not see her, sir," replied Athos.

"You did not see her?" said the Cardinal sharply. "However, you did well to defend a lady. It happens that I am going to the Red Dovecot and I shall be able to prove your statements."

"Sir," said Athos proudly, "I have already informed you that we are gentlemen. We do not tell lies to protect ourselves."

"Oh! I do not doubt your word for a moment," said the Cardinal. "By the way, was this lady alone?"

"No. It seems that she had a visitor. But in spite of the noise, he did not show himself and therefore he is most likely a coward."

"Do not judge hastily," said the Cardinal. "Please follow me."

They arrived at the Red Dovecot in a few minutes, but a short distance from the door the Cardinal ordered his man and the Musketeers to halt.

He then approached a side-door and knocked three times in a peculiar manner. A man wearing a large cloak came out. He spoke with the Cardinal for a few moments, then sprang on his waiting horse and rode off.

"Draw near, gentlemen," said the Cardinal as soon as the mysterious horseman had ridden off. "You have told me the truth, and it will not be my fault if our meeting this evening is not advantageous to you some day."

The Cardinal then dismounted, telling the others to do likewise. He handed the reins of his horse to his man, and the three Musketeers tied theirs to a fence.

The innkeeper, who came to the door himself, clearly expected an officer, but did not know who he was.-

"Have you a room downstairs where these gentlemen may wait near a good fire?" asked the Cardinal.

The innkeeper bowed and led them to a large room. The old iron stove had been replaced by a large and excellent wall fireplace in which a cheerful fire was burning.

"Excellent," remarked the Cardinal. "Enter, gentlemen, and please wait for me here. I shall not be gone very long."

The three Musketeers entered and the Cardinal went upstairs immediately, showing clearly that he knew the way.

Porthos and Aramis sat at a table near the fire. Athos wandered up and down the room wondering who it was that the Cardinal should honour with such a secret visit.

Doing so, he passed and repassed the now disused stove. The broken chimney-pipe passed up through the ceiling and was doubtlessly connected to a stove in the room above.

Every time he passed the pipe he fancied that he heard the murmur of voices, so he stopped to listen. What he heard interested him, for he signalled to his friends to keep quiet and approach the broken chimney-pipe.

"Listen, Milady," they heard the Cardinal say. " This business is very important."

"Ah! Milady!" thought Athos. By pressing his ear close to the pipe he was able to distinguish clearly much of the conversation.

After a few moments he took his companions by the hand and led them to the other end of the room.

"What is the matter?" said Porthos. "Why don't you listen to the end of the conversation?"

"Hush!" said Athos in a whisper. "I've heard all I want to hear, and besides I must go before the Cardinal comes down."

"What shall we say to him if he asks for you?" said Porthos.

"Don't wait for him to ask, speak first. Tell him I have gone on ahead to look round because I have reason to doubt the safety of the road. I will tell the Cardinal's man the same thing as I go out. Don't worry about me or what I am going to do."

Porthos and Aramis resumed their places near the fire.

Athos went out, untied his horse, and explained to the Cardinal's attendant why he was going on ahead. He mounted his horse and, with drawn sword, rode off along the road to the camp.